Reply To: Charged same station exit at Waterloo LU and then maximum fare at Bank LU

Home Forums Fare and Capping Queries Charged same station exit at Waterloo LU and then maximum fare at Bank LU Reply To: Charged same station exit at Waterloo LU and then maximum fare at Bank LU

Mike (admin)

Hi Emmet, (and thanks Chris)

Waterloo station is a real mess with several gatelines where it is not obvious what you are doing.

The first thing I need to clarify is what the green arrow means. It doesn’t mean ‘Entry’ but rather that the gate in front of you is set in the direction you are walking. That could be either ‘Entry’ or ‘Exit’.

Next up is the fact that Waterloo LU station is actually three different stations in one. You have the Waterloo and City line station which is connected easily to all the mainline station platforms. The problem here is that there isn’t room to put a gateline on the passageway to the actual platforms, so as Chris says, there are a couple of validators which aren’t brilliantly signed. This is what you should have touched which would have cancelled your same station exit and started a new journey.

From that area you then move along to the original Underground station serving the Bakerloo and Northern lines. You will go through gates there which I think is where you exited and got the same station exit. Also from that part of the station is a travelator taking you to the Jubilee line station and the entrances at the colonade.

In summary, I think you entered at the Jubilee line through the colonade, went down and along the travelator to the Bakerloo and Northern section, exited again and then went down to the Waterloo and City without touching the validators to put you back inside the system. Then at Bank you exited when not in the system hence the maximum journey charge. Chris is right about the resolution too; just call the helpdesk and explain that you got thouroughly confused at Waterloo when travelling to Bank. They’ll quickly check your journeys and arrange to refund the maximum fare.

In future I’d go into the mainline station from the street and then use the entrance to the Underground near platforms 17 and 18. Follow the signs for the Waterloo and City line there, but look out for the validators and touch one before going down to the actual platforms.