Accidentally tapping in twice on buses

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    A bus that I was on was crammed full once, I tried to tap in and couldn’t even see what the machine said nor the red or green light. When most people alighted the bus, I then went back to tap again to see if I had tapped in or not. I think I totally got this wrong. I thought the bus reader would only accept one tap in on that trip and not ever again on that same trip. When I did went back to tap again, I saw that it was 6 mins after my first touch in which I wasnt able to see and it gave a green light again. How long is the cool-down time on the bus reader?

    When I checked my journey history after this, I saw that I had tapped in twice. Is this ok?


    Hi Duncan,

    It shouldn’t matter. Were you charged twice?

    Chris Hein

    I think the cooldown timer on buses is between 10 and 15 minutes. If you tap a second time before this it comes up with passback attempted (if you’ve got a bus pass or Travelcard loaded).I imagine a similar message will show for prepay.

    There probably aren’t many journeys you could legitimately make with it coming up with passback when it’s a valid journey. I can only think of one that has happened to me but the driver was fine when I explained what I had done lol


    Yes, my journey history says that I tapped in twice but that was a 11-15 Zip so is free on buses

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Duncan.

    Chris, my second tap in was after 6 minutes!


    I’ll try and find a definitive answer, though it might take a while.

    Because the fact you’ve touched in on a bus during its journey is stored on the bus computer, I didn’t think it mattered if you touched again. You’ll still be on the list if an RPI gets on. Plus, even if it does record a new touch, you’ll still only be charged again if it’s over an hour since your last hopper fare started.

    Thankfully, you don’t have to worry with a valid zip card.

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