Reply To: Contactless caps from non-TFL stations (e.g. Marlow)

Home Forums Fare and Capping Queries Contactless caps from non-TFL stations (e.g. Marlow) Reply To: Contactless caps from non-TFL stations (e.g. Marlow)

J Sut

Thanks Mike,

So, for a fully off-peak day, as long as I don’t break my journey travelling into and out of Zone 5, and travel as much as I want within Zones 1-5 (off-peak only, maybe), it will be capped to £13.90 + 2x£5.50.

I’ve just asked TfL to explain the calculation of the cap for this Wednesday through my contactless account. For this journey I changed at Paddington both ways (on faster Maidenhead trains that didn’t stop at Hayes & Harlington etc.). By the same logic as above it would be £9.90 peak Marlow – H&H, £13.90 Zone 1-5 cap, and £5.50 off-peak H&H to Marlow, a total of £29.30. If they charged £16.20 peak Marlow – Pad, £8.10 Zone 1-2 cap, £9.80 off-peak Pad – Marlow that would be £34.10. It’s somewhere between those two numbers.
