Reply To: Elizabeth line mixed mode premium

Home Forums Fare and Capping Queries Elizabeth line mixed mode premium Reply To: Elizabeth line mixed mode premium


Hi Michael,

Apologies for the delay in replying.

The nature of the stations at Farringdon and Liverpool Street on the Elizabeth line mean that fares valid to/from either of them have to also apply to Barbican and Moorgate respectively. The same is also true in reverse for Moorgate and Liverpool Street. A side effect of this is that travel on the Circle, Met or Ham&City can be allowed at NR rates if the overall journey could have been made on NR only. It’s complicated.

I will look further at the fares guide map, but it is only a guide and the page does say that the fare finder should be used for specific fares. There are other anomalies which aren’t specified like fares for SWR services changing to the Victoria line at Vauxhall for other LU destinations in zone 1. Although the journey is charged as one, if splitting it in two at Vauxhall would be cheaper then the sum of the split fares is what is charged.