Reply To: TfL Go app to replace Oyster app

Home Forums Using Oyster TfL Go app to replace Oyster app Reply To: TfL Go app to replace Oyster app

Mike (admin)

Thanks for starting this discussion. I’ve also commented about the journeys being described by the start time and the destination station, which seems a bit perverse to me. The lack of intermediate touches makes working out why a journey might have been joined unexpectedly a bit more difficult.

The addition of journey history for ‘first generation’ cards like the 60+ is a great step forward. The cards are not first generation, of course, so I’m glad that that stupid restriction has gone. I’ll check out the live history next time I use it. I did notice that it suggests it’s possible to top up a 60+ Oyster, which it really shouldn’t allow. I didn’t actually take it through to payment, but you can get all the way through the screens without an error or warning notice.

It’s a real shame you have to switch between app and website to get the full experience.