How to use the OSI at waterloo W&C?

Home Forums Fare and Capping Queries How to use the OSI at waterloo W&C?

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    As waterloo LU has no connection between the W&C platforms and the rest of the LU lines without passing through gates, and one of which has a validator; How would one make a journey involving the W&C? Should the validators by W&C be ignored?

    If I ignore the validators, I cannot then tap into waterloo LU gatelines, and having waved my oyster card to the gateline staff, they let me through, but I got charged two max fares.
    ???? – 13:55 [No touch-in] to Warren Street
    12:45 – ???? Russell Square to [No touch-out]

    If I tap out at the validators then tap in again at the gatelines, I get charged two separate journeys:
    17:51 – 18:06 Waterloo [London Underground/National Rail] to Goodge Street
    17:44 – 17:51 Bank to Waterloo [London Underground/National Rail]

    Thank you


    Hi kijeta,

    Neither of those journeys have been charged correctly. The two max fares one is interesting because 70 minutes is the usual maximum allowed for a single zone, but in zone 1 that is extended to 90 minutes so there shouldn’t have been a problem. For the other one I wonder whether there was a timing issue and the validator recorded a time after that received from the gate.

    I would contact the help desk and ask them to look into both journeys and explain why they have been mis-charged. At the very least they should convert both to a single zone 1 fare of £2.70/£2.80. If they do give you an explanation (and I hope they will), please do come back here and let us know what they say.

    The timing issue is one that I have seen before, though it is very rare. In most cases it won’t have any effect, but where an interchange with a very short walk between readers is involved it could cause issues.


    To answer you direct question, you’re supposed to use the validators at the W&C exit but the system is supposed to join the journeys up.

    I’m surprised the gate line staff let you through the barriers just because you waved a card at them. They’re not supposed to.

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