I have an oyster card from 2014, and I would like to ask one thing about it.
Around 2015, I took a riverboat service whose fare was £6.12, and that made my oyster card balance end with 8 pence. Is there possibly a way to make the balance £**.*0 (or £**.*5) once again by topping up or other methods? If anyone knows a solution, I would like to kindly ask for some advice. Thank you in advance.
Sorry for the delay. I think the only possibility is if you ask a ticket stop shop whether they can do it. I don’t know for sure, but they might be able to. Ticket machines will only allow multiples of 5p or 10p. Online it’s multiples of £5.
The only other way to get the balance back is to refund the card, but if you needed another one it would now cost the £7 fee. Once refunded the old card is deactivated.
Thank you very much for taking your time in checking out my question.
Today, I went to a local Oyster ticket shop and asked the agent if I could top up with £10.02 – and guess what, it worked!!!!!!!
There were no issues in making the transaction.
So I was able to get the card end with zero after almost 10 years! Mystery solved!
Just to add here that if you top up using the TfL Oyster App the minimum you can top up with is £10.
You can only do a minimum top up of £5 on the website for some reason.
I actually find the lack of ability to be able to top up online with any value above £5 to be a nuisance as I feel it would make more sense to be able to top up £5.25 to cover a day cap on the buses and trams.
Thank you for the follow up. I also considered online top-up, hoping that I could enter an amount in the unit of 1p, but it wasn’t the case.
I agree with your £5.25 opinion, and also think it would be better if there’s an option to do so, as not every Oyster card holder comes to London often.