60+ Oyster application

Home Forums Using Oyster 60+ Oyster application

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    Hello all,

    I will be eligable for my 60+ Oyster card in the near future, but do not have (or wish to have) a TfL online account. I choose not to manage my affairs online, and although I do have an email address, use it for personal correspondence only, and do not give it out to any “official” organisations. I am concerned that there appears to be no way to apply for the 60+ Oyster card offline, and that there is an obligation to have and maintain a TfL account, and to disclose a private email address. Are any alternative provisions made for those who do not wish to go online?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by lightbulb2760. Reason: typos


    I’m not aware of any provision for applying for and maintaining a 60+ Oyster other than online. It’s a non-statutory concession so I think they’re free to operate the scheme however they feel is appropriate. You could contact TfL and ask them, or perhaps write to your London Assembly member as the concession is funded essentially by the mayor.

    As a 60+ Oyster card holder myself, I wouldn’t be without it for any reason. You could set up a specific email address just for that purpose and only use it for maintenance of the 60+ card. It would be an interesting case study in proving whether or not TfL do share your data with anyone. I suspect that they don’t, but I have no proof either way.

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