Lewisham now in Zone 3?

Home Forums Fare and Capping Queries Lewisham now in Zone 3?

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  • #327
    Charlie Shimmins

    Has anyone else noticed that the latest iteration of the Tube Map has moved Lewisham from a Zone 2/3 station to being fully in Zone 3? https://tfl.gov.uk/maps/track/tube

    It used to straddle the border but it appears that Elverson Road is now in that spot?

    As far as I can see from my Oyster history there has been no change to charging for my journeys to and from Lewisham of late, so is this a change that is going to be implemented in the future, or is the new map just misleading?

    Thanks in advance


    That’s a very good spot, Charlie.

    It’s definitely a mapping error and Lewisham is still dual zoned 2/3. One thing that gives that away is that the station name is still boxed which is the rule for stations which straddle zones, even in the sausage around Stratford where everything is both 2 and 3.

    I’ve drawn it to the attention of my contact at TfL though, so thank you for sharing.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Mike (admin).
    Charlie Shimmins

    Thanks Mike, that’s reassuring. I wasn’t aware of the meaning of the boxes until now.

    I’ll now be watching with interest to see if it is amended!


    Interestingly, a pocket map I picked up today correctly shows Lewisham on the map, albeit with a slightly different design to the poster map


    I notice that the online version linked to in the OP now just about shows Lweisham on the border again.

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