New Oyster Capping

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  • #3483

    Do we have any clarity on the refunds with the new Oyster capping system? I currently work from home Monday and Friday so only travelling Tuesday to Thursday. My journey is 70p a day cheaper on contactless than on the old Oyster system (discussed on another thread on this forum) so if I start on Tuesday, I will hit the refund threshold on Thursday but won’t be touching in again until the next Tuesday. Will I still get the refund? Of course I can just keep using contactless but I prefer Oyster if possible.


    Hi Nick,

    I’ve just had it confirmed. After 3 days the refund will go on a dormant list. When you next touch the card it will resend the refund ready to pick up on the touch after that. This should always work for rail journeys (unless it’s a really short one) and will only fail if the only journey is a singular bus or tram journey. It will keep trying for six months after which you would need to call customer services.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Mike. Reason: Received answer

    Hi Mike

    By way of update, I used the card Tuesday to Thursday last week, running up a refund of £2.10 and ending with a card balance of £17.80. Just touched in at Dartford this morning and my balance showed as £39.90, so the refund plus auto top up. Would be interesting to know if auto top up would have been triggered if the refund had taken me over £20. Anyway it certainly looks like the Sunday night calculation re-queues the refund as you summised in another post.


    Hi Nick,

    Thanks for the update. The next update to the other page will show that I picked up a refund after 5 days, on a Sunday, so it looks like the rules are different for this type of refund.

    As to auto top-up, my understanding is that it is triggered after any other additions while touching in, so you wouldn’t have had one if the balance was over £20. The downside is that if your refund had to be set up by the first touch and picked up on the second then the auto top-up would be triggered in the meantime.

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