Oyster fee refund to PAYG

Home Forums Using Oyster Oyster fee refund to PAYG

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Mike.
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  • #834

    Hi Mike,
    I purchased an Oyster one year ago with the £5 fee.
    I heard that I need to touch in at a station within 4 days of the anniversary of the purchase in order to get the fee added to the PAYG balance.
    Is this still the case?
    I was going to go to Heathrow and do a zero fare journey, but given the current circumstances that would not be legal.
    I do have a legal journey which I could make by bus. Will this work?

    I have a second Oyster given to me by a friend who has left London.
    I attempted to refund it at a TfL station but it informed me that this Oyster also had the £5 fee taken instead of a £5 deposit.
    Is there any way to find the date it was purchased in order to use it at the appropriate time and get the £5 added to PAYG?

    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by zero.

    Hi zero,

    Don’t panic. Take a look at https://oysterfares.com/refunds-of-5-oyster-card-fee/ which is under Latest News. You’ve got six months to collect the refund automatically. Note though that a single bus journey will not actually work, you’ll need to make a second one a while later to actually pick up the refund. Half an hour should be enough.

    The helpdesk may be able to tell you when the other card was purchased, depending on whether it was registered by your friend or not.

    Hope this helps.


    Hi Mike,
    Thanks. It wasn’t obvious where to find that post of yours on the redesigned site.
    OK so since I know the card was purchased at some point between 23/2/20 and 23/2/21 I just have to use it at least once from now to August and then again between September and Feb 2022 and the refund should appear.


    Yes, use it in early-mid August and if still not there try in early-mid February.

    The home page of the site is under review and may change as time goes on; thanks for the feedback.

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